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Saturday, June 29, 2019

I finally got a new "old" horse trailer!!

Ugh this picture is awful.  It was so bright outside and all we had was a cell phone, but hey we're on our new trailer!

My husband and I have been looking for a new horse trailer for a long time because the one we have is too small for Chrome and has a few other features I just don't like (heavy ramp!).  My dad finally found one for us that a friend of his was selling and he gave us a good deal on it (it's nice to have such a well liked dad!).  It's definitely a fixer-upper, but that's fine because our truck broke down and hubby is having to replace the engine in it.  We also will have to get a gooseneck attachment.  For now it will just sit in the pasture so we can practice loading.

The previous owners used it for horses for a long time, but then they got rid of their horses and used it for cattle.  When they got a new trailer this one sat for a while (that's why it is rusted) before they finally decided to sell it.  It needs cleaned, sanded and repainted.  It has really good mats in it, but they need cleaned as well.  I want to pull them out and check the floor really well again even though it has already been checked (I'm really paranoid about floors).  A window needs replaced, but the tires are in really good condition, the lights and gooseneck work perfectly and the frame is still in great condition.  Most of it's problems are just cosmetic (everything rusts here in our humid climate....sigh).

The first thing I did after crawling all around in it was tie Chrome to it and brush him off.  Please forgive his filthy appearance.  He's been playing in the pond lately and the neem oil I use for his sweet itch makes everything stick to him.  He was curious about it and gave it the stink eye a couple of times, but you can see how relaxed he was.  I was so excited to see if he would load I forgot to get a picture of the tack room for you, but it has a tack room with bridle hooks and six saddle racks.  The gooseneck can be used for a mattress for camping or for hay storage.  There is an escape door in the front stall on the side and the back gate has a smaller gate for access to the rear stall.  The divider is missing, but I can get a new one.  I'll get better pictures when I can.

 After brushing I had him pose in front of it.

It looks so huge to me!!  I've never had anything other than the two horse straight load bumper pull that I don't like and I've had for over fifteen years lol.  I've also never had a gooseneck before, but I'm excited about it.  You can see the tack room door and the front stall escape door here.

 Chrome was relaxed (see his cocked hind leg?) while sniffing the thick rubber mats.

I'm going to feed him on it every day, so I put his bucket in the trailer.  He walked right on and started eating with no hesitation.  I was armed with sugar cubes and my clicker and didn't even need it!!  This is the first time in his entire life he's ever been on a step up trailer too.  I think he much prefers it over the ramp on our other trailer.

I made him leave his food to unload and reload several times, then I tried self loading him for the first time.  See the video below.

I was SO proud of him!!  He walked right on with no hesitation.  I think he likes this trailer so much better.  The other one is too dark and closed in.  I love that the inside of this one is white.  It will help reflect heat as well.  The windows will let lots of air flow in too.  He will just have to wear his fly mask to protect his eyes.  Stock type horse trailers are very popular where I live because it gets extremely hot here.  If I could afford a closed in Sundowner with air conditioning I would totally do that, but this will work just fine for our short trips.

I'll keep you up to date on repairs and repainting and I'll definitely let you know when I haul him for the first time on it!  It might be a while though because we are still working on the truck.  I have to go now.  I miss you guys!!