Thursday, December 11, 2014

Ride 89

I only got this one picture.  Hubby was on his laptop and Chrome wanted to see him so we went over there.  Then Chrome started trying to play with the laptop.  I think he wanted to do some Christmas shopping!

I almost didn't ride today.  It was a long day with a cranky boss and I got held up late.  By the time I got home it was already getting dark and I just didn't feel motivated to ride at all.  Then I reminded myself that I haven't been able to ride the last two days because of being busy after work and that this evening I had nothing else to do.  If I didn't ride it would be a week, then two weeks, then a month, etc.  When I start talking myself out of one ride it eventually becomes all the rides.  It's not because I don't want to ride, I just can't find the energy sometimes.

So since I was feeling tired I just hopped on bareback (helmet on me, halter on him).  I set up the Endomondo to track my ride because I was curious how much we actually move around when we're riding in the yard.  Here's a screenshot.

I did finally find the horseback riding under the activities.  The reason I didn't see it the first time is because I was looking for the word horse, not plain old riding.  Then I noticed the icon of a little person riding a horse and rolled my eyes at how dumb I can be lol.  Thanks for cluing me in Saiph!

I think my average speed was so low because I did a bit of standing around...  The only thing I can't figure out is how to make it show the top speed like it did on the running and biking.  Does it not show that for riding???  I can make it show current speed, but not top speed.  I carry the tablet in a bag on my back so I can't really look at it while trotting to see how fast he's going... I don't want to risk dropping it.  I did find this graph though...

So if I'm reading that right our top speed was close to 6mph?

Anyway I started out riding in the yard.  At one point I trotted down the driveway and as soon as we went from the fine gravel to the coarse gravel he slammed on the brakes and walked slowly out onto the big rocks.... so his feet are sore apparently.  It's been muddy, nasty and soft here so I'm going to treat him for thrush and find something to toughen his soles back up.  He was totally fine on the small gravel, on dirt and on grass or leaves.  He had his big, ground eating walk and trot going there, so it's just the coarse gravel right now.  Normally he trots and gallops across it without a second thought so I know he's tender.  Dang wet weather!

Since he was acting tender I didn't want to trot him on the driveway even though he acted totally fine on the fine gravel so I took him out into the pasture.  As soon as I asked him to go through the gate he balked.  He hates riding out there!  I guess it's boring because he lives out there.  So I tried to mix it up with walking, trotting, weaving around trees, going up and down the dirt hill, etc.  At one point I trotted him around the round pen for longer than we've probably ever trotted at one time lol.  He did awesome!  He never tried to stop or slow down.

The only issue in the pasture was his barn (gate) sour attitude.  He didn't want to go away from it and wanted to hurry back to it.  When he started bracing and trying to dictate our direction I did a one rein stop.  It only took once to remind him to listen to me.  After that he would brace sometimes, but he responded when I asked him to give through his jaw.  Yay!  I think the lateral flexion is a big success!  I didn't do any cantering and I didn't go into the back of the pasture because we were bareback and I was being a weenie (didn't want him to take off or something).  I probably could have after we had our flexion reminder and been fine, but I'm telling you I was feeling lazy tonight.  I did have some major thigh burn going on with all of the bareback trotting though hehe.

So all in all he was a really good boy.  We were able to work through his issues about being ridden in the pasture and had fun.  I'm very glad I decided to go ahead and ride!


  1. I love that app! Good for you for making yourself ride. I know how hard it is after a long day :)

    1. Thank you! It's funny that if I make myself go out and ride I enjoy it anyway and then I wonder why the heck I didn't want to in the first place. :D

  2. Yes, wet weather can be very tough for hooves! I doubt he would have thrush so soon, but if he does, the absolute best thing is White Lightning. You do have to put each hoof in a sealed bag (I use a dry bag meant for kayaking, etc.) with the solution for 45 minutes, but it kills EVERYTHING while doing zero harm to healthy tissue.
    For sensitivity, I like venice turpentine or Magic Cushion (which is basically venice turpentine and ground-up leather made into a hoof packing). A lot of people rave about Durasole, but when I tried it, it did indeed thicken Salem's sole, but it was very brittle and soon after the thickened part of the sole sloughed off. Very odd!

    1. That's good to know about the Durasole! Interesting. I'll see if there is any white lightning at work today (love working at a feed store). The reason I want to treat for thrush is because he's had off and on sensitivities for a little while. I think the wet ground is just making it more noticeable now. Funny how you don't recognize things until hindsight kicks in. Besides it can't hurt. Maybe it will help with the toe first landings too? :) Thanks for the info!

  3. I have to commend you for using an application with riding. About six months ago I downloaded an app to my Kindle to track my food intake, calories, exercise, and weight loss, and I have yet to use it. I just don't have the patience to record everything I do in a database, so I get these emails every week that say, "You have xx pounds to go. Please record your most recent weight loss."

    1. It's easy to forget! I'm trying to make it a habit before January because I want to track all of our mileage for 2015. Using the app is actually so much easier than having to remember what time I started riding and when I ended the ride and then going inside and tracking the mileage in Google Earth. Now I can just hit a button and forget about it until the end, then take a screenshot and there's all my info. It's awesome. I wish I'd figured it out sooner!!!

  4. sorry his tootsies are a little sore - but major props for getting out and riding even when you didn't feel like it!

    1. Thanks!! I'm not overly worried about his feet because he doesn't act sore anywhere except on the coarse gravel and it's been muddy for a while now. I'll get them toughened back up. :D

  5. I get so tired after work that I tend not to ride during the week, which is so silly. After battling through 40 miles of rush hour to get to the horses, the most I do is feed and groom and call it a day. I really do need to at least hop on the easier horses - for both of us!

    1. It's hard to sometimes!! I've found it's usually worth it though. I just keep it low key and try not to get things too complicated since my patience is probably not at its peak after a long day at work. :-)


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