Isn't he so cute? I think he's the most accepting, laid back, curious, interactive horse I've ever known. In my completely and totally biased opinion he's the best horse on the planet. :D Have a safe and happy New Year everyone!!
Saturday, December 31, 2011
Chrome's Firsts of 2011 Video
I put together a bunch of clips from 2011 of all of the new things Chrome did throughout the year. All of these clips are firsts for Chrome. First time wearing a saddle and surcingle. First time pulling something. First time being exposed to tractors and four wheelers. Lots of fun clips! Some of them are even clips I've never posted before on his blog. :D Check it out and let me know what you think.
Isn't he so cute? I think he's the most accepting, laid back, curious, interactive horse I've ever known. In my completely and totally biased opinion he's the best horse on the planet. :D Have a safe and happy New Year everyone!!
Isn't he so cute? I think he's the most accepting, laid back, curious, interactive horse I've ever known. In my completely and totally biased opinion he's the best horse on the planet. :D Have a safe and happy New Year everyone!!
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Failed Christmas Picture Shoot!
Trying to line them up so you could see the size difference between Faran and Chrome.
Look how CUTE he is!!
Me and Chrome.
Led Zeppelin decided to join in and Chrome tried to tell him off hehe. Aren't they adorable?
This picture makes Chrome's face look so grown up.
Always have to have a cute smiling picture.
Chrome is so cute. He's watching our neighbor driving down his driveway.
Percheron rolkur? Haha just kidding. He was reaching for a treat.
They are so cute together.
As it got darker the pictures turned out so grainy. Faran is so fuzzy in his wonderful winter coat.
And the two best (not very good) group pictures that I ended up with . . .
Sunday, December 25, 2011
Merry Christmas! - Equine Christmas Gifts!
Click to enlarge.
Merry Christmas!! I wanted to share our Christmas morning with the boys. Here is their stocking . . .
I made my husband hold it so you can see how big it is hehe.
We let Chrome check it out . . .
Want to see what is in it?
Chrome does too hehe. Do you like my husband's jacket? I got that for him for Christmas. :)
My husband removes the first item . . .
It's a bell! With a handy handle on it for Chrome to hold in his teeth. :D
Chrome held it for a second, but he wasn't incredibly interested in it hehe.
What else? What else? Observant readers probably already know, but if not you'll have to wait.
Faran finally got brave and decided to check out the stocking.
Stretches out to give it a sniff.
And gives it a nibble.
I was leaning over Chrome's butt to take this shot of them together lol.
While my husband was holding the stocking Chrome accidentally got it stuck on his head lol.
He proceeded to walk, completely unconcerned, to his feed bucket to check for breakfast.
My husband put the stocking over Chrome's back so Faran could look at it some more.
He completely smeared it with slime lol. I love this picture of him. Look at those beautiful brown eyes!
He completely smeared it with slime lol. I love this picture of him. Look at those beautiful brown eyes!
Faran also played with the bell a little.
He thought it was a treat! When he realized it wasn't he lost interest.
And pictures of Chrome modeling his Christmas present (that I've been wanting to buy for a while, but it has been too expensive and was finally on sale yay!).
Isn't it cute on him?
What does Chrome think of his new halter?
You tell me!
Led Zeppelin was feeling like a scrooge. He wanted nothing to do with our celebrations and only wanted breakfast lol!
Sorry the pictures weren't that great. The lightning was bad and Faran was so dirty lol. I think they had fun though and I know I did! Merry Christmas everyone!!
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Beginning Stages of Driving Training with Chrome
He did so great! I'm glad I kept those old tires. :) I can't wait to eventually hook him up to my gorilla cart (wagon/wheelbarrow combo), but I want to go slow. Just because he wasn't scared of the tire doesn't mean we can move on after only one session. I'm excited how well he did with it. I hope this is a sign that he will someday make a good driving horse. :D Now I just have to save the money to buy a wagon/buggy and harness . . . but wait first I need a saddle lol. Sorry I talked so much in the video. Wasn't Faran cute?? I didn't mean to scare him, but he is getting a whole lot less explosive. Now for some pictures for those of you who can't see videos.
Clicker Training,
Ground Driving,
Led Zeppelin
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