I told you I had something exciting to share. :D Okay, so maybe saddling a horse isn't the most exciting thing in the world, but when you have a horse like Faran who has been abused it is a big deal. He did so great too! Look how handsome he is wearing our new saddle.
He makes it look small hehe. He was nervous at first, but as soon as we got the first pad on him (used two to keep my nice one clean) he relaxed and seemed unconcerned by the whole process.
It appears to fit him really well (I should hope with custom sizing lol)! It sits a bit high in the front, but they said once there was weight in it the panels would compress a bit. I'm so happy to have such a nice saddle that fits for such a good deal. :)
Here's the video. If you get bored of the saddling part you can skip ahead to 5:37 to see the interesting part.
I think he did so well! He was nervous when I put my foot in the stirrup because I bumped him with my toe and he's soooo sensitive, but he calmed down and I kept my foot in the stirrup until he stood still. The second time he was perfect. Note for anyone who can't watch the video I did not get on, I just put my toe in the stirrup and put some weight in it to see how he would react.
We're proud of Faran. He's relaxed a lot and has been doing so well! I'm looking forward to a fun and productive year with him.
I watched both videos of both Faran and Chrome being saddled. They did very well considering the donkey braying, the dog barking, cars driving past and neighbors walking past. I still can't do much of anything with my horses if neighbors are around. Gabbrielle knows when our nosy neighbor is in predator mode, and she won't take her eyes off the woman. Today she was craning her neck from her stall window all the way around the side of the barn, because the lady had "walked" her dog behind my barn again to spy and eavesdrop on me while I put the horses in their stalls. The woman makes her just as nervous as she makes me. I suspect that if there weren't a fence separating them, Gabbrielle would kick the woman. She does not like her.
I appreciate all comments, advice and questions! Your comments are what makes blogging so worth it. I love to hear from my followers, so thanks for taking the time to share your comments. :)
I watched both videos of both Faran and Chrome being saddled. They did very well considering the donkey braying, the dog barking, cars driving past and neighbors walking past. I still can't do much of anything with my horses if neighbors are around. Gabbrielle knows when our nosy neighbor is in predator mode, and she won't take her eyes off the woman. Today she was craning her neck from her stall window all the way around the side of the barn, because the lady had "walked" her dog behind my barn again to spy and eavesdrop on me while I put the horses in their stalls. The woman makes her just as nervous as she makes me. I suspect that if there weren't a fence separating them, Gabbrielle would kick the woman. She does not like her.