We found some old stuff so we brought the horses up on Saturday to try some of it out. They were so muddy!! First they had to check out the stuff (see the old pulling collar?). Captions are all above the pictures (I think).
Notice Faran's gorgeous, thick tail . . . and the MUD!
Now I understand why some people don't like black horses . . .
Chrome got to try the collar on first, while Faran waited (and dumped my husband's groom box).
Here's Chrome's video.
Did you like my mocking reference to War Horse? LOL Then it was Faran's turn to try the collar and Chrome had to wait (not too happily lol). Check out his muscles. Is it the way he's standing or is he a lot more muscled on his left then right?
Here's Faran's video. Notice how he leans away from it at first? He's so leery and skeptical of everything, but he's getting soooo much better!
And a picture. It was so cute how he just relaxed into it when he realized what it was.
I also found my old breastcollar I used to use on my Appaloosa mare. The little white spots are where I had sewn bells onto it. They were crushed so I cut them off and I have new bells to put on it later (need to get a strong needle).
I put on his cavesson and driving reins, but left the halter and lead on too for my husband to hold, so we could try ground driving down the road. He was doing really well (sorry no video) and we were practicing having him move to the opposite side of the road from my husband and Faran, without trying to turn around (the reason my husband had the lead rope and also for safety on a public road). Then we saw our lease land owners and stopped to chat. Dark caught up to us so we walked home. We will make it further next time. :)
I have another fun post tomorrow about what we did on Sunday. :D
I think Chrome is just shifting his weight in the one picture. It looks like his left hip is dropped and he's putting his weight on that leg, so the muscles are engaged. Nothing to worry about, He looks great!
ha ha.. he's just standing that way. I love your reference to War Horse... I laughed real loud in the movie theatre over that scene (embarrassing my daughter's, of course).
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Too cute! What good boys!
ReplyDeleteI think Chrome is just shifting his weight in the one picture. It looks like his left hip is dropped and he's putting his weight on that leg, so the muscles are engaged. Nothing to worry about, He looks great!
ha ha.. he's just standing that way. I love your reference to War Horse... I laughed real loud in the movie theatre over that scene (embarrassing my daughter's, of course).
ReplyDeleteI love seeing the curiosity, like: what are the crazy humans up to now? Faran did seem to like the feel of that.