Date: 4-19-12
Age: 2 Years & 11 Months (35 Months)
Height: 15.1¾hh (technically 13/16 so a little over three quarters)
Height Gain: He gained a quarter of an inch! Maybe he can make it to 15.2hh by the time he's three (which is a month away yay!!!)!
Weight: His heart girth measurement is 70 and his length measurement is 72, so according to the Equine Weight Calculator he weighs 1069lbs.
Weight Gain: He's gained thirty pounds! I knew he would because of the spring grass. They aren't even getting any hay, oats or beet pulp. Just grass and Enrich 32. Fatty needs some exercise lol.
Progress: Um, I haven't done anything with him except brush him, feed him, scratch his itchies and hug him. Oops. :D
Goals: I HAVE to do his hooves. I would also like to work on the mounting block and do some clicker training. I also want to do his exercises and stretches again. We shall see how that goes. I've been so busy with work, preparing for the yard sale and getting the gardens planted that I just haven't felt like doing anything. Heck I worked for ten hours straight in the yard on Monday! He's lucky he even got fed (just kidding) lol.
The exciting part is there is exactly one month to go before I get to ride him!!!!!! My friend's schedule changed so his party is back on for the nineteenth. I'm so happy.
Here are some more pictures. We were having a lot of trouble getting lively, pretty pictures. I think Chrome has grown bored of this whole routine lol. He's been doing this every month for most of his life, so now he just stands there with this bored, unhappy look on his face until I get done with pictures. I really need to teach him an ears forward cue and how to ground tie reliably to get better pictures lol. I still think he's adorable regardless of how bad the pictures are. He looks really butt high and awkward in some of them. I think he's definitely in a growth spurt!
The bloopers . . .
Well, that's all for today!
You area looking very good, Chrome and "they" will probably tell you that you will look even better after the dentist is done with you. Don't believe them!!! Well, maybe I exaggerate. It was awful as it happened but I felt fine as soon as it was over.