Monday, January 25, 2010

Random Pictures

Okay, here are the last of the pictures from the thirteenth! Tomorrow we get to move to the pictures taken on the seventeenth lol. Now you know why I keep saying it's going to take me so long to catch up. And I just took a bunch of new pictures today! So here they are.

I'm not sure what this expression was all about. I think he wanted me to play lol.

Practicing his sliding stops. :)

Chewing on the curry comb I left on the fence.

Going for a gallop.

Looking cute!

He was playing and bucking in this picture. I thought it looked really cool how I caught him pivoting on the one foreleg and he looks so muscular and powerful.

Giving Galaxy ugly faces.

Weird canter stride but cute.

Doing what Chrome does best. Playing with his toys.

He really puts some head and neck action into swinging and twirling his toys. Won't ever have to be worried about him being afraid of something hitting him in the face lol!

I love how smart and laid back Chrome is. The first time he hung his leg in the toy it took a bit to figure out that he had to let go and step out of it, but he never panicked. Now he is an old pro at dropping, stepping back and grabbing the toy again. Smart boy. :)

Getting a drink after all of the fun.


  1. I think you must be a lot of fun to have around. I hope you are getting along with your new friend.


  2. That's brilliant he doesn't panic about getting his leg caught in his toy, and he's worked out how to free himself. You are going to have a really super smart horse there :)

  3. Cute pics, i'm glad he got his leg out of those rings, that was hard to figure out i'm sure. he's a smart boy.


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