My 2010 goals for Chrome are:
1. Use clicker training to desensitize Chrome to as much as possible.
2. Go for more walks on the roads. Use clicker training to make it a positive experience.
3. Teach Chrome some tricks specifically smile.
4. Write in Chrome’s blog more often.
5. Work on hauling to new places.
My break down of those goals for March were:
1. I need to find a treat that he enjoys that is also healthy. I don't like feeding him the sugar for clicker training.
2. Since I haven't felt any heat in his joints in a while I may start walking him again. He's getting more exercise now that Zeppelin is in the same paddock, but I still want him to get out and see the world. I may just need to wait until he's a year old and then start again when there won't be such a risk to his joints. All of our roads are asphalt. 8o
3. Can't teach tricks until he will eat treats.
4. Keep on blogging. :)
5. Still not ready to work on hauling yet.
My progress is:
1. Well I finally grew a brain and I’ve started using his regular feed delivered in a bucket as a treat for clicker training, so that problem is solved. I haven’t worked on any desensitizing with clicker training yet because I want to be sure he fully understands the concept first.
2. I didn’t take him for many walks because he’s getting enough exercise playing with Zeppelin and he gets mental stimulation from his toys and our time together. I still want him to see everything there is to see on the roads, but there is no hurry. I still have a good three years to work on that.
3. The only trick we’ve worked on so far is targeting. I want to really be sure he understands the concept before I start teaching things that are more difficult.
4. I did really well writing in his blog this month!
5. Have not worked with the trailer yet.
My new goals for April are:
1. I want to keep using targeting to make sure he knows for absolute sure what the clicker means before we move on.
2. I would like to take Chrome for more walks just because I enjoy it so much, but I’m not going to put any pressure on us. If I feel he’s ready or has excess energy to burn I’ll take him for a short walk.
3. I want to keep working on targeting. I would like to get him to follow it around consistently and just make sure he knows that the click marks the correct behavior.
4. Keep up the good work!!
5. I think Chrome is almost ready to start working with the trailer. I want to use clicker to make it positive again. I don’t know if I want to teach him to follow the target on or if I want to shape him loading on his own. Not sure where he is mentally for that. Unfortunately right now the horse trailer is housing a few roosters that can’t be out with the flock. One of them is sold, but the others we don’t know about yet. If I manage to vacate the current occupants I might work on something with him.
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Posing for the camera.
I brought the wagon into the pasture the other day to clean stalls and pick up around the paddock. Chrome had to come over to investigate as usual.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Nap Time
I just thought I would share some incredibly adorable pictures of Chrome from yesterday. It was a gorgeous day outside and he was getting in some good nap time.
Doesn't he almost look like he's running in his sleep? In these next pictures he had no clue I was there! Even when my camera made beeping sounds as I changed settings he didn't wake up until a chicken went screaming past.
He was sleeping so hard his mouth was open! So cute!!
Monday, March 29, 2010
Smartest Colt in the World!! - Clicker Training
I went into the pasture and had him walking all around me touching the target. He only went for my hands a couple of times, but he didn't bite me or anything, just smelled them and moved on. I had him walking half circles around me to touch the target and I had him curling his neck under to touch the target next to his chest and around to touch it near his side. I may be able to use this to teach him to do warm up stretches lol.
I'm amazed how quickly he's learning all of this. I'm sure by the next session I'll have him following the target in a full circle and all around the pasture. Imagine how much he'd learn if I trained everyday lol. I'll have to work on this more often. Gotta love my colt.
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Boys Just Want To Have Fun!
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Bratty Colt!
It's really short so I hope you all can view it (it was still processing when I posted so you might have to check back later). In the beginning of the video he was not being bad at all. He likes to check in with me, but I had to wave him away so I could get the video. :) He didn't mind. Did you see the slack lead? He's such a good boy.
He spent some time torturing my new puppy . . .
Road Hand Walking,
Monday, March 22, 2010
Jolly Ball Fun!
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